Concept Design
We work toward providing conscious, sustainable and tailor-made designs to client with integrated multi-disciplinary services. From green-field to brown field projects we specialise in the concept design with practical solutions to projects of diversified nature like pharma, biologics, API, R&Ds, automobile and food sector, heavy engineering, Warehousing,etc. Concept layout is the first cut layout made, based on the client interaction and URS. Basic scheme of services is also worked out for overall understanding of project. This helps the client to understand the project bandwidth and it is the base document to take the project further.

Master Planing
We work in close collaboration with all the stakeholders and consider the key issues right form site-location, infrastructure, and connectivity and also to energy, water management, building location and its expandability.
Multiple layouts based on production processes, Good Manufacturing Practices, material and personnel flow, warehousing, flame-proof and non-flameproof segregation, regulatory norms and compliance to National as well as International building codes, in sync with the geographical topography and Vastu considerations, are prepared and shared with the client.
The end result is future proof, cost efficient and sustainable layout which is responsive to the clients’ future needs.

Basic Engineering
We develop basic engineering designs customized to suit the functional, process and other user requirements and recommend a solution which is cost-effective, inclusive of all engineering inputs and regulatory norms. This includes basic layouts, Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), Piping and Instrument Diagrams, control and operational philosophy, basic equipment sizing, equipment specifications and budgetary costing.

Detail Engineering
A step further to the basic engineering, details and in depth specifications are worked out along with precise bill of quantities and specifications of all the items involved for various disciplines. Tendering and vendor management of Civil and Architecture, HVAC, Electrical, mechanical and piping, other services like plumbing, water treatment, fire-fighting, etc also is part ot the detail engineering package.

Project Management
We develop a mutually agreed coordination and communication protocol with client. Project schedule to monitor progress of Engineering, procurement and construction activity is worked out and updated at regular and pre-defined intervals. Periodic coordination meetings to review the planned v/s actual work status, document control and cost line management to keep track of the project during the complete lifeline of the project.
We have all the requisite personnel, technology, knowledge and expertise to successfully complete projects in the below mentioned fields.
Our experienced staff has been involved in various projects in following fields: